Publish Posts to EveryoneSocial

Share thought-provoking content with your team by creating a post with EveryoneSocial. Posts can be used to share industry news, a funny anecdote, a vision for the future, puppy pictures, or any other interest. Posts can be shared internally and externally, making EveryoneSocial your go-to program for sharing content.

In this article, we'll cover the process of creating a post, as well as provide links to relevant articles.

🔸 This is accessible to all roles and permission levels.

🔹 This is available on all plans.

🔸 Admin may disable this feature. Please check with your program Admin if this is unavailable. 

Create a post

Create a post in EveryoneSocial in 5 steps.

  1. Click Compose > Internal Post.
  2. Select a Group.
  3. Customize your content.
  4. Toggle your desired share settings (details contained in the section below).
  5. Click Post.

That's it! If the Group requires moderator approval, the group moderators will be notified that your content awaits their review. Once approved, you'll be notified via email and in-app.

Post options

Posts have a few content options to consider. These determine the audience, how the post is displayed, and if the post can be shared to social networks. Here is a list of post options.

  • Select a Group: Groups are where Internal Posts get displayed. Authors must be a member of the Group and the post can be shared to multiple Groups, increasing visibility and the likelihood the post will be seen and shared.
  • Post Types: Choose from three Post Types. 

    🔸 Link post: A post with a featured URL typically includes a preview of the URL's content.

    🔸 Image or Video post: A media-rich post that emphasizes the images or video shared.

    🔸 Text post: A post that only consists of text. It can be styled, hyperlinked, and have emojis.

  • Customize content: Enter the post’s title and internal commentary.
    • Post titles are for internal reporting purposes. Link posts's use the links' meta titles, and image, video, and text posts's titles are manually added.
    • Internal commentary is the text readers will see on the post created in EveryoneSocial to add context and drive action.
  • Share settings: Posts have two CTA (call-to-action) checkbox options. A third option, "Engageable," may present itself for Link Posts.

    🔹 Allow Sharing: Allow the post to be shared to social networks.

    🔹 Branded: Consider the post Branded Content in Analytics and on Leaderboards.

    🔹 Engageable: Provides the option to go directly to the original social post for engagement.

    This is only visible if a Link Post uses a social media post's link.

Post Settings

Toggle on the settings you want to use for the post.

🔷 Please contact your program’s admin if you can't access a setting. These are dependent on your posting permissions and role

  • Add Share Copy: Include written content that can be used when sharing posts to a social network. Require your team to use the share copy by unchecking “Allow users to edit commentary.”

    Multiple versions of Share Copy can also be included.

  • Mark Post as Important: Send a notification of the post via email and push notification. Enter a custom text for the notification in the field below the toggle. Learn more about notifications
  • Pin this PostPin the post to the top of the Group’s Timeline. Setting a pin’s expiration will remove the post from the top of the Timeline, placing it in the Timeline based on its publication date.
  • Schedule/Expire this post: Save time by scheduling a few posts to publish at a specific date and time. Learn more about scheduling Group content.

    Expired post are removed at the desired date and time. This is helpful for time-based topics, such as a webinar or event. Admin can still find the post in the Removed tab for Groups.

  • Disclosures: Add a Disclosure (such as a hashtag) that is automatically inserted into the Share copy when someone shares the post to a network.
  • Send to Microsoft TeamsShare the post to a Team’s channel.
  • Send to SlackShare the post to a Slack channel.

Edit a published post

Edit any post to change the Groups and commentary, send to other channels, and more.

  1. Click the three dots menu.
  2. Choose Edit Post.
  3. Make the changes.
  4. Click Save.

Next steps

Depending on your program and posting permissions, content may need approval before it becomes publicly available for a team to share.

Admins and Moderators should review submitted posts often.

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