Set Engageable Posts Default Share and Engage Buttons (Post CTAs)

Engageable posts are highly effective at driving engagement on linked social posts and Admins can choose what the default actions the audience should take, whether it's share, engage, or both. Depending on your team's strategy, you may want users to share posts, engage with posts, or select both share and engage. Share and engage options are selected by users clicking the respective button, the Post CTA. 

In this article, we'll go over Post CTA considerations and how to set the default the default CTA buttons for engageable posts

🔹 This is available on the Teams, Enterprise, and Unlimited plans.

🔸 This feature is accessible to Admin.

Share and Engage buttons are available on Engageable posts and direct readers to take the respective action on a social network's post. The Share and Engage buttons are known as Post CTAs because they are the calls to action on the content cards. By clicking the Post CTA, users can share engage, or do both. It depends on your team's strategy whether you want users to share posts, engage with posts, or offer both options, and the Post CTA setting will default to the option you choose for each network. 

Here is an example of a Reddit link Post CTA share buttons

It is important to know Post CTA share buttons can be toggled on or off during the composition process for Link posts, regardless of the default setting for Post CTAs.

Post CTAs considerations

Here are some questions to ask if you're wondering if a network’s post should default to be shareable or engageable.

  • Do I want users to share this content to their own profiles and effectively splinter the network effect amongst their connections?
  • Do I want to drive our user base to drive viral behavior around a single social post?
  • Would it be effective to have both options and potentially increase engagement and virality around the content, rather than the post and author? 

Our standard recommendation for most network posts is to drive users to Engage with the post, but it's important to coach them on how to engage, not just to like the post or say a generic phrase, like "awesome info."

Change default Post CTAs

If you want to change default Share and Engage buttons, you’ll want to access Admin sharing settings.

  • Go to Admin Settings > Sharing.
  • Toggle on/off the Share or Engage button for each social network.

Override Post CTAs

Use the process below to change the default Post CTA to the preferred actions. 

  • Create an engageable post.
  • Check/uncheck the box Allow Sharing and Engageable.
  • Publish the post.

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