Why is my Leaderboard losing points?

Each Workspace comes with a default Rolling 30 Days Leaderboard that assigns points based on activities occurring within the most recent 30 days. The Rolling 30 Days Leaderboard is the only Leaderboard that has the ability to lose points based on the time you are viewing the Leaderboard.

To confirm this is the Leaderboard that points are decreasing on, check the timeframe located on the top right of the Leaderboard screen.

Using the above as an example, if Addy Min created a share on June 1 that earned 100 points, 31 days later—on July 1—those 100 points would disappear. Addy Min would still have points for other activities within the last 30 days.

Other Leaderboard types

If you have a paid plan, Workspaces can have Leaderboards track points on an ongoing basis or within fixed dates. Timeframes are selected by Admins and points are awarded within the timeframe selected.

In the example above, the Leaderboard is set to capture points forever because it is ongoing. If there was a specific date range listed, such as June 1 - October 1, points will be awarded during that timeframe. On October 2, the Leaderboard will cease to capture new points, but it can be viewed as long as it is still active. 

Don’t see the answer you need?

We're happy to look into any discrepancies you see on Leaderboards. Please reach out to our Support team so we can investigate further!

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