Enable SSO with JumpCloud

Set up SSO with JumpCloud and configure settings to allow users to access EveryoneSocial by authenticating with JumpCloud.

🔸 JumpCloud requires a user have an administrator role to integrate SSO.

🔹 This is available on the Enterprise and Unlimited User plan.

Connect an application

We support SAML 2.0 SSO. Here is the information to configure JumpCloud’s SAML 2.0 SSO. You’ll want to use the SAML2.0 connector to connect the application.

Configure the SSO profile

Please enter the information in the respective fields in JumpCloud, leaving everything else as the default setting.

🔸 EveryoneSocial can provide you the SP MetaData, if preferred.

  • SP Entity ID: urn:amazon:cognito:sp:us-east-1_Njik3uRLR
  • ACS URLs: https://auth.everyonesocial-prod.com/saml2/idpresponse
  • Login URL: https://YOUR_SUBDOMAIN.everyonesocial.app/sso

    🔸 Update YOUR_SUBDOMAIN to the custom subdomain applied to your company’s Workspace.

Next, map User Attributes.

  • Service Provider Attribute Name: email
  • Select email

Below is an example of what this looks like in JumpCloud.

🔸 We use the “email” attribute but there can be additional attributes, such as Department, Location, jobTitle, and more. Reach out to Support if you want to discuss available additional attributes.

Test the SAML integration

Once the steps above are complete, we will need to add the “IDP metadata” to complete the integration. Send this to EveryoneSocial Support. Once received, we will integrate the metadata and arrange a call to test the SSO integration before going live.

Assign access

At this point, you can determine which users have access to EveryoneSocial. Here is JumpCloud's instructions on how to manage SSO profile assignments.


Here is a downloadable file of the EveryoneSocial icon if you want to use it to represent the integration.

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