Enable SSO with OneLogin

Set up SSO with OneLogin and configure settings to allow users to access EveryoneSocial by authenticating with OneLogin.

🔹 This is available on the Enterprise and Unlimited User plan.

Configure the SSO profile

We support SAML 2.0 SSO.

  1. Log in to OneLogin.
  2. Go to Applications > Applications.
  3. Click Add App.
  4. Search for “SAML” and select SAML Custom Connector (Advanced).
  5. Enter the Display Name and upload the icon.
  6. Enter the following Application Details. Unless specified below, all other fields should be left blank.
    1. Audience (Entity ID): urn:amazon:cognito:sp:us-east-1_Njik3uRLR
    2. Recipient: https://auth.everyonesocial-prod.com/saml2/idpresponse
    3. ACS (ConsumerURL Validator: https://auth.everyonesocial-prod.com/saml2/idpresponse
    4. ACS (ConsumerURL: https://auth.everyonesocial-prod.com/saml2/idpresponse
    5. Login URL: https://YOUR_SUBDOMAIN.everyonesocial.app/sso

      🔸 Update YOUR_SUBDOMAIN to the custom subdomain applied to your company’s Workspace.

    6. SAML no valid before: 3
    7. SAML not valid on or after: 3
    8. SAML initiator: Service Provider
  7. Click Save to store the app settings.

Next, we need to set up parameter mapping.

  1. Go to Parameters.
  2. Input the following.
    1. Name: http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2005/05/identity/claims/emailaddress
    2. Value: Email
    3. Flags: Include in SAML assertion (Checked)

Test the SAML integration

Once the steps above are complete, we will need the ”Issuer URL” to complete the integration.

Send this to EveryoneSocial Support. Once received, we will integrate the metadata and arrange a call to test the SSO integration before going live.


Here are downloadable files of the EveryoneSocial brand if you want to use them to represent the integration.

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